Petitioning The Judge - Supreme Court of India, President of India and PM of India

To safe guard the constitution of India, which provides complete freedom for followers of all faiths.

Abdur Raheem Baban / Abdul Qadir Baban

The Uniform Civil Code is a political topic that does not benefit the minorities. It shifts attention from their development, financial needs and justice.

The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws with respect to matters relating to family affairs, i.e., marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. Freedom to practice religion is the basic right of a person. The constitution of India recognizes all religions and gives religious freedom to all its citizens. India has a diverse personal law because of the diverse nature of its culture and tradition. Some cultures follow different systems of inheritance (the law takes that into account), and some follow different traditions in marriage (the law takes that into account as well).

A uniform civil code would have been a nice idea if the population would have been uniform. But, that is not the case here and the population is not uniform (Hinduism (79.8%), Islam (14.2%), Christianity (2.3%), Sikhism (1.7%), Buddhism (0.7%), Jainism (0.4%), other religions (0.7%) and no religion (0.2%)). The personal law for each community, if amended to the standards of  Uniform Civil Code, will infringe on the rights of other communities. This will directly conflict the constitution of India which gives right to practice religion freely. It would be similar to forcing a language spoken in one state of India on all other states (something like Maharashtra giving up Marathi, Andhra Pradesh giving up Telugu, Gujarat giving up Gujarati, and instead embracing Hindi spoken by the people of Uttar Pradesh). This is unpractical, unfair, and also unacceptable.

India is appreciated all over the world for embracing the diversity that it has. Let's not lose it in the hands of political agendas. I oppose any change that takes away my freedom to practice religion.

I oppose the Uniform Civil Code.

Please support my efforts for safe guarding our FREEDOM.

Motive for signing

I support this pitetion
khadar mastan, India
79 months ago
I support this petition
riyaz shaik, India
82 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
Shaik Gayaz Basha, India
89 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
Kalaesha , India
89 months ago
I am a muslim.. i as a muslim respect are laws and dont want any change..
pathan jafar, India
89 months ago
India is appreciated all over the world for embracing the diversity that it has. Lets not lose it in the hands of political agendas. I oppose any change that takes away my freedom to practice religion.
Laljan basha, India
89 months ago
I fully support All India Muslim Personal Law Board and firmly stand with it in its endeavors to safeguard Shariah Law. I wish to make it absolutely clear that Shariah Law does not need any change.
Ansari , India
89 months ago
i supoort muslim personal law
fayaz , India
89 months ago
I support this petition because India is a country which has freedom of religion envisaged in its Constitution. It is the only country where all minorities have been living since time immemorial. I am proud to be an Indian
nayeem jani, India
89 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India.
Musthafa , Afghanistan
89 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
Reshma begum, India
89 months ago
I support the petition because I am a muslim woman and as I know that the holy Quran gives equal rights to women as well.
shaik Munni, India
89 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
Shaik Jareena, India
89 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
Shaik Imam, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
masum shaik, India
89 months ago
I support this petition because India is a country which has freedom of religion envisaged in its Constitution. It is the only country where all minorities have been living since time immemorial. I am proud to be an Indian
kaja vali, India
89 months ago
I Support this Petition because its the Human right to practise their Religious tradition & customs.
Jameel Basha, India
89 months ago
i support muslims
Shaik Riyaz, India
89 months ago
i supoort muslim personal law
Jilani , India
89 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
Bilal khan, India
89 months ago
the Indian Constitution guarantees all Indians the freedom of faith.
Aizaz , India
89 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.
masood , India
89 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
Manu , Oman
89 months ago
I love sharia law We have full faith in Islamic Law and we dont want any changes in it. I support to retain Muslim Personal Law.
saleem shaikh, India
89 months ago
Triple Talaak is my Right and sign of Women liberation and not discrimination. Which empowers to women remarry and avoid social evil of polygamy.
Jasmin , India
90 months ago
I Support muslim personal law
shaik Farhana, Afghanistan
90 months ago
I am a muslim and i accept the Shariah Law
abdul kalam, India
90 months ago
I support
Hafeez Khan, India
90 months ago
I support this petition
Hafeez Khan, India
90 months ago
i support muslim
Ali , Iceland
90 months ago
i support this petition i love islam more than india
javeed husian, India
90 months ago
i support this petition
Shaik Farhana, Afghanistan
90 months ago
i support this petition bcz i proud to be muslim
Shaik Khadar, India
90 months ago
India is appreciated all over the world for embracing the diversity that it has. Lets not lose it in the hands of political agendas. I oppose any change that takes away my freedom to practice religion.
abdul khadar, India
91 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
Shaik Fatima, India
91 months ago
I support this petition because We will follow da Quran
Abid Khan, India
91 months ago
I strongly support this petition because I respect diversity and freedom of right in our country.
karamtulla Shaik, India
91 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
Galeb Gori, India
91 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.its not monopoly. It is a democratic country and our constitutional right
Suraj , Afghanistan
91 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
Pathan Ghouse khan, India
91 months ago
i support thus petition
Mohammad Hussain, India
91 months ago
I support this petition as its based on sharia.
shah , India
91 months ago
I support muslim personal law
Jelani , India
91 months ago
I support this petition as its our way of life
rafeek , Saudi Arabia
91 months ago
India is appreciated all over the world for embracing the diversity that it has. Lets not lose it in the hands of political agendas. I oppose any change that takes away my freedom to practice religion.
Babu , India
91 months ago
Alhamdulillah by Almightys Grace and Beloved Prophets Prayers I am Muslim
Shaik ramzan, India
91 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
Abdul khadar, India
91 months ago
I am sported Muslim personal law board
Irfan Baig, India
91 months ago
We have full faith in Islamic Law and we dont want any changes in it. I support to retain Muslim Personal Law.
Sandani Shaik, India
91 months ago
Sharia law should be maintained according to constitution
Shaik Sharmilla, India
91 months ago
We have full faith in Islamic Law and we dont want any changes in it. I support to retain Muslim Personal Law.
mabu , India
91 months ago
Muje nhi chiye Islamic kanun me koi be change bharti kanun islamic kanun me dakhal na de
Abdul Hameed, India
91 months ago
I am not going to accept any rule or law against my religion. Being a girl I accept all the laws of my religion even triple talaq,...etc whatever my religion says Ill accept that without any changes.
Mukhtar Ahmed , India
91 months ago
Muslim personal laws are best for me n my fellow Muslims and we dont want any changes in our laws.
Ishaq ahamed, India
91 months ago
I am a muslim.. i as a muslim respect are laws and dont want any change..
Junaid Shaik, India
91 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat.
Dr.Shaikh Akif, India
91 months ago
Muslim Personel Law should be intact. Not to be changed
Shaik Rumana, India
91 months ago
No outsider standing from outside can say what it feels like to be a muslim governed by shariat. To know understand and feel you must be a practising muslim. Three or four things people catch hold of and refuse to see what it really is to be a true muslim how the love of a?lah and prophet Muhammad sllallaho alaihi wasallam washes over you and you are filled to overflowing with an overwhelming sense of such divine radiance it is imposible to describe.
Pathan Hanif khan, India
91 months ago
I am sported Muslim personal law board
Mohiddin Shaikh, India
91 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
sayed khadar, India
91 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
Irfan khan, India
91 months ago
shaik Imamaali, India
91 months ago
i support this petiton
nizamuddin shaik, India
91 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.its not monopoly. It is a democratic country and our constitutional right
Ayazbasha Basha, India
91 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India
Pathan mahaboob khan, India
91 months ago
There are voices from different sections to get Uniform civil Code in guise to change Muslim personal law(it looks like that, when one see these UCC talks through news channel debates). Uniform civil code is difficult to implement in India. We are a diverse and huge country, both in terms of size and population. The govt will form laws for civilized and modern society but what will govt do about many ethnic tribes, their age old customs, personal laws, cultures. It will be difficult to bring the
gouseali shaik, India
91 months ago
I support Muslim personal law
Skindar shaik, India
91 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India
Yasin shaik, India
92 months ago
I support this petiton
abid shaik, India
92 months ago
I support this petition.
Ansaree Shaik, India
92 months ago
i support this petiton
Shaik Rafi, India
92 months ago
I support Muslim personal law
Shaik Raiyhan, India
92 months ago
Shaik Saleha, India
92 months ago
I have provide of Muslims law board. Its is my resume for your life problem solved.
md Talaha, India
92 months ago
Uniform civil code is not just against Muslims but all the communities hence should be condemned by all & i support AIMPLB because they are defending our Shariah & no one in the world has the rights to change the rules and regulations of the creator of the universe.
Syed Saad, India
92 months ago
I am sported Muslim personal law board
Zakir Hussain, India
92 months ago
I dont want any changes in our Islamic sharia at all.
Shaik Shamim Ahmad, India
92 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
Shaik Afreen, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
Irfan Qureshi, India
92 months ago
I m signing because that word is our religious word and why any one wants to change our word and if the changer persone belongs to other cast than it is totally irresistable that he is neither belongs to our religion and he wants to change the word
Mohammad Ajeem, India
92 months ago
I m signing because that word is our religious word and why any one wants to change our word and if the changer persone belongs to other cast than it is totally irresistable that he is neither belongs to our religion and he wants to change the word
92 months ago
We need Muslim personal law in India
Abdul Qadir, India
92 months ago
Aap log sirf muslims k hi piche q hai ek taraf dharmnirpeksh rashtra bolte ho nd dusri taraf aisa her muslim terorist nh hota hum ek Allahtala ki ebadat karte h humare liye zuth bhi haram hai Allahtala ka quran me hukum hai hum burkha pehnna nh chodenge Allahtala ko marne k baad jawab dena h nd agar humara burkha chudana h to hinduoka mangalsutr bhi chudao sikh logo ki pagdi bhi q hum bhi apna chode hume secure feel hota h burkhe me hazar logo k buri njre nd fitno se Allahtala hume bchate h nd d
Zainab Yusuf Shaikh, India
92 months ago
I am support for Retain Muslim Personal Law
Ibrahim , India
92 months ago
Muslim Personal Law Should not be abolished
Muqitur Rehman, India
92 months ago
Muslim Personal Law Should not be abolished
Zaheer Ahmed, India
92 months ago
We have full faith in Islamic Law and we dont want any changes in it. I support to retain Muslim Personal Law
shaik jaffar, India
92 months ago
ALHAMDOLILLAH we are fully satisfied by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board & fully support it as usual. For us all the Laws provided by this Organization are complete, henceforth we dont & never required a change in any Law of this Organization. Because all the Laws Provided by this Organization are based on the Quraan & Sunnah(our Prophet Muhammed SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLM) & which is the complete Guideline for our Best Here & Hereafter. People who are trying to change InshaALLAH may never
Shaik Gaffari, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik Salma, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik Reshma, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
Pathan Rooksana, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
akbar basha , India
92 months ago
I believe that sharia does not deter the development of any country
Shaik Abubakr, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
Pathan Bazi, India
92 months ago
religion nor will it interfere in the religious affairs of its citizens, subject to public order, morality and health, instead, the state has the responsibilty to facilitate the religious festivities, processions and pilgrimages. But with the change of guard at the centre in 2014, the minorities are continuously facing the onslaught in the hands of the majority and, the state is either keeping itself aloof from it or sometimes its ministers and the members of the ruling party facilitates this bi
Mohsin , India
92 months ago
Say talaq 3 times or 100 times its counted as first talaq.then about 4 months iddat period follows where husband wife stay in one house as earlier during which they can reconcile without new marriage. After that if they separate they will need new marriage with new meher to reconcile.
Shaik Masood, India
92 months ago
I dont want any changes in my personal law
anas Mohammed, India
92 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
Fawadalam , India
92 months ago
I am proud of my religion and its laws which are the direct commands of our God .therefore no change in the laws by humans is acceptable
Shaik Faruk, India
92 months ago
I support this petition becuase I belive in "Untiy in Diversity."
abdul Jabar, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
Shaik Skindar , India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I believe in freedom.
Shaik Hanif, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
kamalbasha , India
92 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
Rafi ahmed, India
92 months ago
The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws with respect to matters relating to family affairs, i.e., marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. Freedom to practice religion is the basic right of a person. The constitution of India recognizes all religions and gives religious freedom to all its citizens. India has a diverse personal law because of the diverse nature of its culture and tradition. Some cultures follow different syste
Basha , India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik Shakeer Ali, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
Abdul Razak, India
92 months ago
Yes i supported
Raheem khan, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Ramesh Kumar, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
Shaik shabeena begum, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I believe in freedom.
Shaik saluddin, India
92 months ago
I dont want any changes in my personal law
ayaz khan , India
92 months ago
I love my religion Islam .. And i dont want any change in our shariah. I request all the Muslim brothers , Be the one Community ,avoid Firqa wariah. May almighty ALLAH help us. I am fully agree with all India Muslim personal law board .
Shaik kalid, India
92 months ago
I support this petition becuase I belive in "Untiy in Diversity."
Abid khan, India
92 months ago
Teen talaaq ka mudda to sirf ek bahana he Asal maqsad to uniform civil code Lana he
Pathan faizullah khan, India
92 months ago
i support muslim personal law
Shaik mujeeb, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
mohameed Ameer , India
92 months ago
We have a freedom of choice plus a freedom of Religion. Following a Uniform Personal Law goes against these rights.
Shaik shariffudin, India
92 months ago
I support this petition becuase I belive in "Untiy in Diversity."
Sayed jillani, India
92 months ago
I love my religion Islam .. And i dont want any change in our shariah. I request all the Muslim brothers , Be the one Community ,avoid Firqa wariah. May almighty ALLAH help us. I am fully agree with all India Muslim personal law board .
Shaik Gani, India
92 months ago
i am satisfied with muslim personal law.
pathan rasool khan, India
92 months ago
I want muslim sharing law which promotes and protect s humanity on this earth to prevents injustice towards men and women ,muslims and non muslims..
Shaik nawaz, India
92 months ago
ALHAMDO LILLAAHE RABBIL AALAMEEN I Want to SUPPORT By Giving My VOTE TO MUSLIM PERSONAL LAW BOARD to Get touch My Voice to OUR INDIAN NATION CONSTITUTION GOVERNMENT Because i Dont Want Any body to Interfere in OUR HOLY SHARIYAT IN QURAANS LAW & Thus I Request & I Appeal to Our Indian Government too ; Even I Wont Allow the Government Of India Should Not Make Any Changes in OUR SHARIYAT E QURAANS LAW Bcz The HOLY QURAAN PAAK Has Send By ALLAH SUBHAANAHU TA ALA & Brought IN THIS WORLD through BY OU
Pathan khadar khan, India
92 months ago
I support sharia. We Muslim women dont have any problem.we have right to follow our faith.
Sk Gousia , India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik jaffar basha, India
92 months ago
I do not want any changes in shariyat i dont want any uniform civil code and also dont need that government which supports uniform civil code
Shaik Basheer Babu, Iceland
92 months ago
I fully support All India Muslim Personal Law Board and firmly stand with it in its endeavors to safeguard Shariah Law. I wish to make it absolutely clear that Shariah Law does not need any change.
Shaik Riyaz., India
92 months ago
I love my religion Islam .. And i dont want any change in our shariah. I request all the Muslim brothers , Be the one Community ,avoid Firqa wariah. May almighty ALLAH help us. I am fully agree with all India Muslim personal law board .
Shaik Magbul, India
92 months ago
Because i agree with the Muslim Shariah
Shaik Zakeer, India
92 months ago
I love my religion Islam .. And i dont want any change in our shariah. I request all the Muslim brothers , Be the one Community ,avoid Firqa wariah. May almighty ALLAH help us. I am fully agree with all India Muslim personal law board .
Elias Syed , India
92 months ago
I am a true muslim,and I bow down to Allah Swts Rules brought to us by his last Messenger Muhammad (Pbuh)
Shaik Mustaq, India
92 months ago
Everybody have there religious rights, laws, beliefs and every individual has a right to follow or unfollow it, If we come ahead in the world as a most secular country, than why we dont have a right to follow our laws. If any individual is not satisfy with islamic laws then dont follow it But As a Religious Muslim, I must and every Muslim must have a right to follow our laws, No one has a right to change my religions Laws and beliefs... As a Muslim I accept all the Islamic Laws. Alhumdulillah..
Ayub Basha , India
92 months ago
We have a freedom of choice plus a freedom of Religion. Following a Uniform Personal Law goes against these rights.
Pathan Shanvaj Khan, India
92 months ago
Hamare sochne se ya bolne se ya sunne se ya dekhne se ya koi bhi cheez se kuch nahi bhi achchaai..haalatein hote hai Allah hi ki taraf se hota hai...jitna diya hai Allah ne usi me khush rehna yehi zindagi me khushi dila sakti hai..Allah ke hukmo ko ya Aap salallahu alaihi wa aali wa sallam ke kuch bhi badalne se kuch nahi hoga...ham lachaar log hai..allah hamaari hifaazat kare...saari duniya me pareshani..bechayni..zillat...naakaamyaabi hone ka yehi wajah hai ki hamne Allah ke hukmo au
Shaik Gulson Basha, India
92 months ago
The law of Islam is enough to spent whole life with peace and joy
Shaik John Shaida, India
92 months ago
ALHAMDOLILLAH we are fully satisfied by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board & fully support it as usual. For us all the Laws provided by this Organization are complete, henceforth we dont & never required a change in any Law of this Organization. Because all the Laws Provided by this Organization are based on the Quraan & Sunnah(our Prophet Muhammed SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLM) & which is the complete Guideline for our Best Here & Hereafter. People who are trying to change InshaALLAH may never
Shaik Chan Babu, India
92 months ago
I support the Islamic shariyah rules... As these are the best practices for this life and hereafter.
Shaik Lal Ahmed, India
92 months ago
Islamic Law is a comprehensive system covering the human being’s relationship with his Creator, with his fellow human beings, and with his society and nation. It also deals with the relationship between nations in both war and peace.
shaik sharif, India
92 months ago
The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws with respect to matters relating to family affairs, i.e., marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. Freedom to practice religion is the basic right of a person. The constitution of India recognizes all religions and gives religious freedom to all its citizens. India has a diverse personal law because of the diverse nature of its culture and tradition. Some cultures follow different syste
shaik yasinbasha, India
92 months ago
I saport this pitition
shaik fakruddin, India
92 months ago
UCC is a voilation of human right. Every citizen can follow his/her faith is the basic fundamental right of every Indian.
Noori Sk, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because every minority living in a state should have the right to practice his/her personal/family laws according to their religion. Uniform civil code will not benefit India instead it will go against her. I believe this is also a violation of basic human rights.
Muhammad Ovais Naeem, United States
92 months ago
Muslim personal law is the best law in the world for the rights and protection of Muslims specially women
Mohammed Zahoorullah, India
92 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
Rafi Gori, India
92 months ago
The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws with respect to matters relating to family affairs, i.e., marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. Freedom to practice religion is the basic right of a person. The constitution of India recognizes all religions and gives religious freedom to all its citizens. India has a diverse personal law because of the diverse nature of its culture and tradition. Some cultures follow different syste
shaik shamshuddin, India
92 months ago
Teen talaaq ka mudda to sirf ek bahana he Asal maqsad to uniform civil code Lana he
shaik muzaheed, India
92 months ago
religion nor will it interfere in the religious affairs of its citizens, subject to public order, morality and health, instead, the state has the responsibilty to facilitate the religious festivities, processions and pilgrimages. But with the change of guard at the centre in 2014, the minorities are continuously facing the onslaught in the hands of the majority and, the state is either keeping itself aloof from it or sometimes its ministers and the members of the ruling party facilitates this bi
md subhan, India
92 months ago
I support this petition becuase I belive in "Untiy in Diversity."
rafi khan, India
92 months ago
I reject Uniform Civil Code
wasim jaffar, India
92 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.its not monopoly. It is a democratic country and our constitutional right
shaik rizwan, India
92 months ago
The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws with respect to matters relating to family affairs, i.e., marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. Freedom to practice religion is the basic right of a person. The constitution of India recognizes all religions and gives religious freedom to all its citizens. India has a diverse personal law because of the diverse nature of its culture and tradition. Some cultures follow different syste
alavuddin shaik, India
92 months ago
shaik moulali, India
92 months ago
The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws with respect to matters relating to family affairs, i.e., marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. Freedom to practice religion is the basic right of a person. The constitution of India recognizes all religions and gives religious freedom to all its citizens. India has a diverse personal law because of the diverse nature of its culture and tradition. Some cultures follow different syste
nurulhudda , India
92 months ago
We do not need UCC. Everyone has a right to follow their faith, no one can try to force r change ones faith.
shaik jakirbashashaik-, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
nijamuddin shaik, India
92 months ago
religion nor will it interfere in the religious affairs of its citizens, subject to public order, morality and health, instead, the state has the responsibilty to facilitate the religious festivities, processions and pilgrimages. But with the change of guard at the centre in 2014, the minorities are continuously facing the onslaught in the hands of the majority and, the state is either keeping itself aloof from it or sometimes its ministers and the members of the ruling party facilitates this bi
shaik kalesha, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I believe in freedom.
abdul quasim, India
92 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
sayed jellani, India
92 months ago
Allah k banaye huwe kanun se behtar duniya mai or koi kanun ho he nai sakta andar ki bhalai tumhe nazar nahe ati bahu o ko hum jalate nai hai or na khudkhusi karnepe majbur hoti hai
shaik haseeba, India
92 months ago
I support this petition.we believe n trust in sharia.
Rukhiya Khan, India
92 months ago
Dont need UCC.
Farhaa Khan, India
92 months ago
I strongly support this petition.
Faizah Ahmed, India
92 months ago
I support unity in diversity. Its a fundamental right of every citizen of our country.
Shaik Farhaa, India
92 months ago
We do not need UCC. Everyone has a right to follow their faith, no one can try to force r change ones faith.
Shaik Fathima , India
92 months ago
I support this petition.
M A, India
92 months ago
I dont want UCC. I support sharia.
Ahmad Shaik, India
92 months ago
we are Muslims
Nagoor Shaik Nagoor, India
92 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India.
Mohammad Ibrahim, India
92 months ago
Teen talaaq ka mudda to sirf ek bahana he Asal maqsad to uniform civil code Lana he
shaik mastan, India
92 months ago
I am sported Muslim personal law board
Shamim Ahmad, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
shaik irfan, India
92 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
Mohammed ali, India
92 months ago
I reject Uniform Civil Code
valishaik , India
92 months ago
BJP Government, do not interfere in our Personal Law. Keep your hands off!
shaik Kamaluddin, India
92 months ago
pathan azad khan, India
92 months ago
I am with MPLB. And i dont want any changes in our muslim laws.
shaik jafar, India
92 months ago
I dont want any changes in my personal law
kapil sk, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought..
jamal , India
92 months ago
jabeer khan, India
92 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
shaik fazil, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought..
rahmthulla , India
92 months ago
religion nor will it interfere in the religious affairs of its citizens, subject to public order, morality and health, instead, the state has the responsibilty to facilitate the religious festivities, processions and pilgrimages. But with the change of guard at the centre in 2014, the minorities are continuously facing the onslaught in the hands of the majority and, the state is either keeping itself aloof from it or sometimes its ministers and the members of the ruling party facilitates this bi
faruk ahmed, India
92 months ago
ALHAMDOLILLAH we are fully satisfied by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board & fully support it as usual. For us all the Laws provided by this Organization are complete, henceforth we dont & never required a change in any Law of this Organization. Because all the Laws Provided by this Organization are based on the Quraan & Sunnah(our Prophet Muhammed SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLM) & which is the complete Guideline for our Best Here & Hereafter. People who are trying to change InshaALLAH may never
jabar sk, India
92 months ago
I support the Islamic shariyah rules... As these are the best practices for this life and hereafter.
badruddin , India
92 months ago
religion nor will it interfere in the religious affairs of its citizens, subject to public order, morality and health, instead, the state has the responsibilty to facilitate the religious festivities, processions and pilgrimages. But with the change of guard at the centre in 2014, the minorities are continuously facing the onslaught in the hands of the majority and, the state is either keeping itself aloof from it or sometimes its ministers and the members of the ruling party facilitates this bi
shaik sami, India
92 months ago
Islamic Law is a comprehensive system covering the human being’s relationship with his Creator, with his fellow human beings, and with his society and nation. It also deals with the relationship between nations in both war and peace.
jani smart, India
92 months ago
i support this petition
asha parveen, India
92 months ago
Whats right will always stay right
samrieen khan, India
92 months ago
Allah k banaye huwe kanun se behtar duniya mai or koi kanun ho he nai sakta andar ki bhalai tumhe nazar nahe ati bahu o ko hum jalate nai hai or na khudkhusi karnepe majbur hoti hai
amruddin shaik, India
92 months ago
I am a muslim and i accept the Shariah Law
shaik buji, India
92 months ago
I am a muslim and i accept the Shariah Law
babu , India
92 months ago
Allah k banaye huwe kanun se behtar duniya mai or koi kanun ho he nai sakta andar ki bhalai tumhe nazar nahe ati bahu o ko hum jalate nai hai or na khudkhusi karnepe majbur hoti hai
shaik Baji, India
92 months ago
I am comfortable with the shariya law. No other law can be better than the sharia law for welfare of women.
mastan vali, India
92 months ago
I am comfortable with the shariya law. No other law can be better than the sharia law for welfare of women.
shaik gouse, India
92 months ago
Islam has the best laws.It cant be altered.
jasmin sd, India
92 months ago
Triple Talaak is my Right and sign of Women liberation and not discrimination. Which empowers to women remarry and avoid social evil of polygamy.
kalesh shaik, India
92 months ago
India is secular and pluralism of this great nation is what makes India diverse. And a diverse nation can only be united when the personal laws are respected. I am a Muslim woman and I dont feel a need for any reform in Muslim personal law.
parvinangel , India
92 months ago
India is secular and pluralism of this great nation is what makes India diverse. And a diverse nation can only be united when the personal laws are respected. I am a Muslim woman and I dont feel a need for any reform in Muslim personal law.
mujeeb shaik, India
92 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
haseeb shaik, India
92 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
parizaan shaik, India
92 months ago
Islamic law is the righteous law, because its is revealed through the prophet. You people (Non-muslims/Govt) dont need to accept this, because allah has said in the Quran "lakum dheenukum valiyadheen", which means your deen (religion) is yours and my deen is mine. We (muslims) will/have never ever touched the rules of other religions, as of the same we expext the same from you people, In shaa allah, Allah knows the best.
Shahmeer khan, India
92 months ago
There are voices from different sections to get Uniform civil Code in guise to change Muslim personal law(it looks like that, when one see these UCC talks through news channel debates). Uniform civil code is difficult to implement in India. We are a diverse and huge country, both in terms of size and population. The govt will form laws for civilized and modern society but what will govt do about many ethnic tribes, their age old customs, personal laws, cultures. It will be difficult to bring the
pammi shaik, India
92 months ago
There are voices from different sections to get Uniform civil Code in guise to change Muslim personal law(it looks like that, when one see these UCC talks through news channel debates). Uniform civil code is difficult to implement in India. We are a diverse and huge country, both in terms of size and population. The govt will form laws for civilized and modern society but what will govt do about many ethnic tribes, their age old customs, personal laws, cultures. It will be difficult to bring the
Hussain sk, India
92 months ago
Alhamdulillah by Almightys Grace and Beloved Prophets Prayers I am Muslim No One Can Understand What it is to be a Muslim Until and Unless He or She Becomes Muslim Islams Simple and Foremost Principle is There is No God Except Allah and Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Now What Shariah is Its is Allahs Commandment mentioned in Quraan and How it was Fullfilled was Explained by Prophet Muhammad by doing is Practical So basically Quran is Theory and Prophets Action (Sunnat) is Pr
malikbasha , India
92 months ago
The constitution of india has given the right to religion and as in every religious practice the social laws related to marriage distribution of property aming legal heirs divorce etc are governed as per the religious practices hence they are personal
ayesha shaik, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
manusur shaik, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
Shaik salauddin, India
92 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India.
malik shaik, India
92 months ago
Unlike human laws the law of THE LORD,THE MOST SUPREME dont need any alteration.If human with his little brain and limited understanding will interfere in the law of LORD,he will open the doors of misery and sorrow on himself.
Munnasonu , India
92 months ago
Unlike human laws the law of THE LORD,THE MOST SUPREME dont need any alteration.If human with his little brain and limited understanding will interfere in the law of LORD,he will open the doors of misery and sorrow on himself.
Afrozsk , India
92 months ago
Say talaq 3 times or 100 times its counted as first talaq.then about 4 months iddat period follows where husband wife stay in one house as earlier during which they can reconcile without new marriage. After that if they separate they will need new marriage with new meher to reconcile.
Mohiddinvali , India
92 months ago
Say talaq 3 times or 100 times its counted as first talaq.then about 4 months iddat period follows where husband wife stay in one house as earlier during which they can reconcile without new marriage. After that if they separate they will need new marriage with new meher to reconcile.
Shaik salauddin, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
Vali shaik, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
ibrahim sk, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
aforaz shaik, India
92 months ago
I support
shaik sabira, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
faheem sultana, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
shaik janibasha, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
shaik sabirunnisa, Afghanistan
92 months ago
I support this petition
sd arafathulla, India
92 months ago
Alhamdulillah by Almightys Grace and Beloved Prophets Prayers I am Muslim
tanveer sd, India
92 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
ameer , India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
rehaman abdul, India
92 months ago
I believe that sharia does not deter the development of any country
malik basha, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
afroaz shaik, India
92 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India
usman shaik, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Herial Nasar Ahmed, India
92 months ago
I support this petition. We dont want UCC.
Shaik Umar, India
92 months ago
All the Muslims support this petition because no one has any right to change the Islamic sharia.
Abdul Mujeeb, India
92 months ago
I support this petition. Everyone has the right to follow their faith n religion.
Mujaheed Ali, India
92 months ago
India is secular and pluralism of this great nation is what makes India diverse. And a diverse nation can only be united when the personal laws are respected.
manu sk, India
92 months ago
Triple Talaak is my Right and sign of Women liberation and not discrimination. Which empowers to women remarry and avoid social evil of polygamy.
jakir shaik, India
92 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
karimullha , India
92 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
firoz khan, India
92 months ago
Triple Talaak is my Right and sign of Women liberation and not discrimination. Which empowers to women remarry and avoid social evil of polygamy.
hafeez khan, India
92 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
nazeerahmed , India
92 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
ansari , India
92 months ago
Because I love my constitution which allows me to practice the Muslim Personal Law & as well allows Hindus to practice "Hindu Undivided Family" provision for IT. Therefore our Constitution allows us to practice the civil laws of our Religion.
jameil shaik, India
92 months ago
Alhamdulillah by Almightys Grace and Beloved Prophets Prayers I am Muslim .......
yasin shaik, India
92 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
rahimbasha123 basha, Afghanistan
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
shaik arshad, India
92 months ago
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wasim akram, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
munner ahmed, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
munner ahmed, India
92 months ago
Im signing it because it is a personal law. Not a crime or punitive law personal to the community. The interpretation can be debated by the experts of this science. What cannot be questioned is its existence. It is here to exist as it upholds the fundamental principle of freedom to practice once own religion. It is unthinkable to have a common personal code of conduct for all the communities of the country as the ideas of personal engagement differs drastically. sometimes even diametrically oppo
gyaz basha, India
92 months ago
We are all 250 million Indian Muslims, stand with Muslim Personal law Board to save our rights in Islam in India.
sameer shaik, India
92 months ago
Unlike human laws the law of THE LORD,THE MOST SUPREME dont need any alteration.If human with his little brain and limited understanding will interfere in the law of LORD,he will open the doors of misery and sorrow on himself.
farha begum, India
92 months ago
I have full faith on islamin shariyat. He every one should follow. It resolves all issues. N finally lead to success in duniya n akhirat
saifullha sahik, India
92 months ago
I am fully satisfied with our shariyagh, which our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallan brought.. And I will try to follow it as much as I can till the last breath of my life in sha ALLAH...
shaik hanif, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
rafi , India
92 months ago
I support the petition because I am a muslim woman and as I know that the holy Quran gives equal rights to women as well.
khaja vali, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Mohammed Ibrahim, India
92 months ago
i support
fazalulla sk, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
shaik peera, India
92 months ago
shaik arif, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because I am a muslim woman and as I know that the holy Quran gives equal rights to women as well.
karim bashs, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
nazzer basha, India
92 months ago
I do support the petition, as every Indian has right to follow their own religion.No any religion can stop county growth, we must have good governance than anything else.
92 months ago
I believe that sharia does not deter the development of any country
Muhammad Shaik, Australia
92 months ago
I support the petition because I am a muslim woman and as I know that the holy Quran gives equal rights to women as well.
reshma rezwana, India
92 months ago
I support
Adnan Arshed, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace among different religions. I believe diversity is our strength.
Tauheed Alam, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because indian constition gives right to the follwers of every religion to propagate their religion and there is no any restrictions on the one who follows his/her religion
Atif Alam , India
92 months ago
I support this petition,because the way shown in Quran and by prophet mohammad is never wrong.
PERVEJ mohammad, India
92 months ago
I support this petition.
Haseena Begum, India
92 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.
Mohammed Sirajuddin, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Abdul Jabbar , India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Abdul Jabbar , India
92 months ago
I Supported this pitetion
Ansaree Shaik, India
92 months ago
I support Muslim personal law
shaik Jani basha, India
92 months ago
I will support Muslim personal law
Sk Feroz, India
92 months ago
Isuppart this daqmants
pathan sohel bude, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Adam jani sk, India
92 months ago
i support muslim personal law
shaik mahboob, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
nooriddin , India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
buji bhai, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
noori shaik, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
raja , India
92 months ago
I like this petition
gouse khan, India
92 months ago
I allways support this petition bcz iam muslim
basha , India
92 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.its not monopoly. It is a democratic country and our constitutional right
abdul nagur, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
shaik sharmillha, India
92 months ago
We will follow da Quran
janu , India
92 months ago
I support
chanbaha , India
92 months ago
I support this petition comfortably with muslim personal law
galeeb gori, India
92 months ago
I Support this Petition because its the Human right to practise their Religious tradition & customs.
gouse jani, India
92 months ago
Because my ALLHA SUBHANAWATALA and our BELOVED PROPHET HAZRAT MAHAMOOD MUSTAFA SALLELAHU ALIHAWASALLAM (PBUH) said this is the right way for muslims and no one can interference with ISLAMIC SHARIYAT
naymthullha , India
92 months ago
I allways support this petition bcz iam muslim
shaik basheer, India
92 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
khadar khan, India
92 months ago
I am proud of my religion and its laws which are the direct commands of our God .therefore no change in the laws by humans is acceptable
gouse jani , India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I love Sharia
jillani , India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I love Sharia
syaed reshma, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because We will follow da Quran
fazal khan, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
fieorz , India
92 months ago
I support this petition
shaik abdullha., India
92 months ago
India is a democratic country and everyone has the right to practice his/her own faith.
yasin basha, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I believe diversity is our strength in INDIA.
shaik shabber, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I believe in diversity which makes indian feel proud specially outside of india
ammer jani, India
92 months ago
Because my ALLHA SUBHANAWATALA and our BELOVED PROPHET HAZRAT MAHAMOOD MUSTAFA SALLELAHU ALIHAWASALLAM (PBUH) said this is the right way for muslims and no one can interference with ISLAMIC SHARIYAT
khalil shaik, India
92 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
shaik magbul, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
pathan khan, India
92 months ago
I support this petition comfortably with muslim personal law
pentu basha, India
92 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
shaik soniya, India
92 months ago
i support this petition because every Indian has right to speak, right to freedom of religion and religious beliefs. India is appreciated all over the world for diversity that we have right
shaik abdulla, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
abdul azeez, India
92 months ago
shaik sharukh khan, India
92 months ago
Due to this new rule people are suffering a lot, They made queues infront of ATMs and Banks. In india lot of small villages are there where single bank or ATM is not there, people are hungry and those people even dont know how to exchange their currency. Govt have to provide any alternative way for these type of peoples
shaik sharukh, India
92 months ago
India being secular country gives right to follow individuals religious pratices.
shaik karimulla, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
shaik raheman, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
hussain shaik, India
92 months ago
I support this petition becuase I belive in "Untiy in Diversity."
Shaik Nasru, India
92 months ago
I Believe unity in diversity
rafi pathan, India
92 months ago
India being secular country gives right to follow individuals religious pratices.
shaik nasru, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I love Sharia
shaik haseeb, India
92 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
ali khan, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Meera Mohiddin Shaik, United States
92 months ago
I support this petition.
Syed Asif Mehdi , India
92 months ago
I support this petition becuase I belive in "Untiy in Diversity."
Alefiyah Putli, India
92 months ago
I Believe unity in diversity
92 months ago
India is a democratic country and everyone has the right to practice his/her own faith.
Yunus Mohammed , India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
shaik gouse basha, India
92 months ago
Because my ALLHA SUBHANAWATALA and our BELOVED PROPHET HAZRAT MAHAMOOD MUSTAFA SALLELAHU ALIHAWASALLAM (PBUH) said this is the right way for muslims and no one can interference with ISLAMIC SHARIYAT
shaik gouse, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
anas khan, India
92 months ago
We will follow da Quran
pathan sohail, India
92 months ago
I am proud of my religion and its laws which are the direct commands of our God .therefore no change in the laws by humans is acceptable
shaik rehaman basha, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
shaik bareshaida, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Farheen syed, India
92 months ago
India being secular country gives right to follow individuals religious pratices.
Abdul Gaffoor Shaik, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Mohammad Jeelani, India
92 months ago
I Support this petition.
Faisal Hussain, India
92 months ago
I Support this petition.
Faisal Hussain, India
92 months ago
Because my ALLHA SUBHANAWATALA and our BELOVED PROPHET HAZRAT MAHAMOOD MUSTAFA SALLELAHU ALIHAWASALLAM (PBUH) said this is the right way for muslims and no one can interference with ISLAMIC SHARIYAT
92 months ago
I strongly support this petition because everyone has right to perform their religious beliefs.
Mansoor Khan, India
92 months ago
I support this petition lets politics and religion work separately and not interfere with each other.
Farhan Ali, Singapore
92 months ago
I support this petition
reshma rezwana, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
Afroz Shaik, India
92 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
shaik Asif, India
92 months ago
I support this petition
shaik zaheer, India
92 months ago
I Support this Petition because its the Human right to practise their Religious tradition & customs.
shaik subhani, India
92 months ago
Religious guidance Is universal and has to be protected for all generations of followers. Local Political interference is transient and it should not dominate our faith and practice
md mohmeed, India
92 months ago
I support this petition because I believe diversity is our strength in INDIA.
pathan khadarvali, India
93 months ago
I support this petitio
shaik muneer, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because I love Sharia
pathan hafieez, India
93 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
shaik quadhar, India
93 months ago
We will follow da Quran
Yasin Md, India
93 months ago
I support this petition
Syeda Uzma, United States
93 months ago
Our country believes in"""unity in diversity """and also upon """freedom for human rights """ unless until it doesnt harm anyone.
syeda maimuna, United States
93 months ago
I support this petition because freedom to follow my religion is my fundamental right.Furthermore it does not harm or cause trouble to my fellow citizens.
Asra Nasser, Saudi Arabia
93 months ago
I support the petition.we dont want a uniform civil code.its not monopoly. It is a democratic country and our constitutional right.
Arif Sayed, India
93 months ago
yes i support
nizam mohd, India
93 months ago
I suppport
abdul rahman, India
93 months ago
Yes I support
Kashif Sultan, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because Islamic sharia is the best and I dont find any reason to leave the best and follow the rest.....
Qudsia Sattar , India
93 months ago
I support this petition because it is God instruction
Sajid Ahmed, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because it is God instruction
Sajid Ahmed, India
93 months ago
Waheeduddin Feroz, India
93 months ago
Everyone should have a right to practice their religion in every country
semina Abazovic, United States
93 months ago
Evey human being has a right to freedom of relegion, Being an Indian muslim I support this petition.
Khaled Ahmed Syed, Canada
93 months ago
Every individual has right towards of the basic fundamental rights of a citizen
Fahmeena Tabassum, Canada
93 months ago
I support this petition.
Nazima Masood, India
93 months ago
I strongly support this petition everybody has right to follow their religious beliefs. India is known for its unity in diversity.
Nusrat Sk, India
93 months ago
I am proud of my religion and its laws which are the direct commands of our God .therefore no change in the laws by humans is acceptable
Tasneem sultana , India
93 months ago
I support
Khaja Layeeq ur rahman, India
93 months ago
Religious guidance Is universal and has to be protected for all generations of followers. Local Political interference is transient and it should not dominate our faith and practice
Aamera Asma, United Kingdom
93 months ago
I love my sharia
Mohammed Mubin, India
93 months ago
I love following sharia
Fareen sultana Fareen sultana, India
93 months ago
the Indian Constitution guarantees all Indians the freedom of faith.
Haroon Rasheed, India
93 months ago
If UCC was such a good idea it would have been implemented at the time of partition and included in the Constitution. Instead, as a country we chose the current format and should remain as such. Stop strong arming the minorities and leave the Constitution alone.
Meraj , India
93 months ago
I support
Athar Quazi, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because I love Sharia
Abdul Razzak Mohiuddin, India
93 months ago
We dont want any changes in our religion beliefs and as a Muslim we followed what Allah had instructed us. And this is my fundamental right. Right to follow my religion
mohammed Naser, Saudi Arabia
93 months ago
I support this petition
abdul khadar, India
93 months ago
Unity in diversity
Dr Numa Khan, United Kingdom
93 months ago
Please do not interfere with our Islamic rights
Abdul Akram, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because India is a country which has freedom of religion envisaged in its Constitution. It is the only country where all minorities have been living since time immemorial. I am proud to be an Indian
Manzoor Qader, India
93 months ago
I believe everyone has the right to practice their religion by their free will & the concept of unity in diversity.
Hasinatabassum , United Arab Emirates
93 months ago
I support the concept of diversity
Ishrath Syed, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because I believe in diversity which makes indian feel proud specially outside of india
Farooq zafer syed, Saudi Arabia
93 months ago
I Support this Petition because its the Human right to practise their Religious tradition & customs.
Widad Shams, United Arab Emirates
93 months ago
93 months ago
One shoe never fits all. Dont try to do it
Sajid Khan, India
93 months ago
It is interference in other minority religious matters.
Kashif Ansari, United States
93 months ago
Every one have a freedom to follow their religion. I strongly feel unity in diversity.
Tasneem Sowdagar, India
93 months ago
I support this petition
Mohammad Hussain, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because every Indian has right to speak, right to freedom of religion and religious beliefs. India is appreciated all over the world for diversity that we have...
93 months ago
I strongly support this petition because I respect diversity and freedom of right in our country.
Parveen Sultana, India
93 months ago
I support the petition because safe guarding our constitution is the fundamental right of every Indian.
Sartaj B, India
93 months ago
I support this petition
Nayeem khan, India
93 months ago
I support this petition
nazir ali, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because uniform civil code is a political agenda to disturb peace amonq different religions. Its will damage the image of Indias religious diversity.
rafiq , India
93 months ago
I support this petition because I believe diversity is our strength in INDIA.
atiq ahmed rabbani, India
93 months ago
I support this petition because I believe in freedom.
Ayesha Rahman, United States
93 months ago