Petitioning Minister of Roads & Transport, Supreme Court of India

Strictly implement the traffic rules by Awareness and Fines

Venkat Pakkela

The drivers on roads due to lack of awareness of traffic rules, carelessness cause problems like traffic jams and accidents. Some police personnel are themselves found to be violating traffic rules. The carelessness of drivers is also causing jump of traffic signals, not giving way to other drivers or pedestrians etc. It’s found now a days that people are so inhumane that they don’t give way to an Ambulance .

The drivers of 2-wheelers, autos, private taxis, lorries and govt vehicles driving in almost every Indian city and on highways are extreme danger for people on the roads. The traffic police never succeeded to create fear in the minds of  drivers who violate the traffic rules. This is due to the reason the fines are imposed only once in a blue moon. Most of the 2 wheel drivers rarely use helmets which is very essential for safety.

The solution to minimize the traffic problems lies in the following :

1. Issue  a driving license only after passing the driving test (i.e. no corruption)

2. Conduct Road Safety Awareness programs frequently.

3. Impose fines daily on the traffic violators.

4. Installting the speed cameras on the roads to catch traffic violators.

5. Introduce the black point system which leads to confiscation of driving license to combat bad driving, like in U.S.A. and some other countries.

Please support this petition by sign and share to all friends for the safety of all Indians.

Motive for signing

I support this petition
nazir ali, India
71 months ago
I support this petition
riyaz shaik, India
84 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik Maksood , India
87 months ago
Road safety is a safety measure to reduce the risk of road accidents and road side injury because of the mistakes of people while driving on the road. We cannot count the daily road side accidents and death of people because of the driving mistakes and lack of road traffic rules followers. Every person going on the road has risk of injury or death. Such as pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, passengers, etc.
Taj Mahamood , India
87 months ago
The basic rules of not playing around on the road, walking on the footpath, crossing the road carefully from the zebra crossing or subways are taught to us as children and we should be careful to follow them always.
Usman Ali , India
87 months ago
I support this petitiom
Badruddin , India
87 months ago
I support this petitiom
Buji pandu , India
88 months ago
Please care
Mubeen Shaik, India
88 months ago
mostly it happens drink
badruddin , India
88 months ago
Road rules are something every person should learn in his childhood and should implement them during his lifetime. The basic rules of not playing around on the road, walking on the footpath, crossing the road carefully from the zebra crossing or subways are taught to us as children and we should be careful to follow them always.
Nazzer , India
89 months ago
The various reasons are unawareness about the traffic rules and road regulations. Some people tend to be careless and ignore the road rules intentionally to travel faster. Moreover, old roads and poor quality roads can pose a threat to the traffic running over them. Road congestion and traffic jams can lead to mishaps too. There have been cases of drunken driving and consequent accidents. Such carelessness and immature attitude on roads can cost lives.
Sohail Khan , India
89 months ago
Road accidents are mishaps that can occur on the roads involving vehicles or pedestrians owing to various factors. Every day, we come across news about such accidents that claim lives and cause casualties. It causes loss of lives and also social and individual property. It damages roads and often poses a problem for many people who commute through the same route daily.
Shaik Shaheena, India
89 months ago
The traffic rules are not implemented strictly, and people escape even if they are in fault. There is a lack of vigilance in issuing of driving license.
Noor Mohamed , India
89 months ago
I feel that something fruitful can be achieved only if instead of blaming each other, government and individuals cooperate towards the common goal of reducing the number of accidents.
Fayaz Uddin , India
89 months ago
Increased number of transportation has given rise to more number of road accidents. Road accidents are the cause of a large number of deaths worldwide. It has become one of the major problems for many countries.
Subhani , India
89 months ago
They have no road sense, and they flout the traffic rules. Most of the youngsters drive recklessly and meet with the accidents.
Janibasha Pathan , India
89 months ago
In most of the instances, individuals are themselves responsible for the accidents.
Ahamed Asylum , India
89 months ago
It is sad fact that thousands of people in my country lose their lives in road accidents every year. It is practically impossible to find out the solution of this problem as road accidents are unpredictable and depend on the very circumstances at a given time.
Ameen Shaik , India
89 months ago
India has highest number of road accident deaths in the world
Sayyad Mujahid Ali , India
89 months ago
An accident is, of course, an unexpected event. One of the essential ingredients of crime, that is, intention, is absent in the case of an accident. However, in cases where a road accident involves two vehicles, the larger vehicle is assumed to be in the wrong.
khan , India
89 months ago
Enforcing the heavy vehicles to fix reflective tapes over them to be clearly visible during night time.
M.D , India
89 months ago
police personnel are themselves found to be violating traffic rules. The carelessness of drivers is also causing jump of traffic signals, not giving way to other drivers or pedestrians etc.
Mohammed Sadiq , India
89 months ago
take action before lost more family
Mohammed Zafar Siddiqui , India
89 months ago
An accident is, of course, an unexpected event. One of the essential ingredients of crime, that is, intention, is absent in the case of an accident. However, in cases where a road accident involves two vehicles, the larger vehicle is assumed to be in the wrong.
Meerja Baig , India
89 months ago
Pedestrians also know the rules of walking on the road like proper use of crosswalks, use of zebra crossing, etc.
Tajuddin Shaik, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik Asif, India
89 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
Masood Sk, India
89 months ago
Road Accidents in India caused mostly by human error.
ABDUL , Afghanistan
89 months ago
An accident is, of course, an unexpected event. One of the essential ingredients of crime, that is, intention, is absent in the case of an accident. However, in cases where a road accident involves two vehicles, the larger vehicle is assumed to be in the wrong.
Tamim , Bangladesh
89 months ago
I support this petition.
husian , India
89 months ago
I support this A very important step towards improving road safety is putting responsible drivers on the roads.
P fazal khan , India
89 months ago
I support this petition
subhani maheboob , India
89 months ago
i support Signboards at every junction indicate who has the right of way and who have to wait. Here what matters is the size of the vehicles involved. Pedestrians and two and three-wheelers are always the affected party even if they broke the rule. Why don’t we stick to rules and enforce them strictly.
magbul , India
89 months ago
i support this petition because every thing is updated now! but Indian roads ----
Shamsheer , India
89 months ago
i support this petition
Ishmael , India
89 months ago
I support this petition
Muntaj begam, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
Shaida Shaik, India
89 months ago
Impose fines daily on the traffic violators. Installting the speed cameras on the roads to catch traffic violators. Introduce the black point system which leads to confiscation of driving license to combat bad driving, like in U.S.A. and some other countries.
abdul AZIZ, India
89 months ago
I support your petition
karimullha , India
89 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
Yasin Shaik, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
pathan Jani basha, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
Shamshuddin Shaik, India
89 months ago
I support your petition
Abdul Rahman , India
89 months ago
i support
Mujhaeed , India
89 months ago
Impose fines daily on the traffic violators. Installting the speed cameras on the roads to catch traffic violators.
abdul kalam, India
89 months ago
i support this petition because every thing is updated now! but Indian roads.
Samir , India
89 months ago
Strict implementation of the traffic rules- The defaulters should be fined heavily for breaking the rules. There should be an enforcement of the use of seat belts in car and helmets on two wheelers.
Bashid , India
89 months ago
Impose fines daily on the traffic violators. Installting the speed cameras on the roads to catch traffic violators.
Karimbasha , India
89 months ago
i support this petition because every thing is updated now! but Indian roads ----
Rafi , India
89 months ago
Implement rules
Ahamed Ali , India
89 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
Abid Shaik, India
89 months ago
its necessary
mujeeb sk, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
Nawaz sharif , India
89 months ago
I support this petitiom
farhan khan, India
89 months ago
i support
firoaz ahamed , India
89 months ago
save people
karimullha , India
89 months ago
YEs.your right.
abdul rahim, India
89 months ago
DM bakshi, India
89 months ago
Signboards at every junction indicate who has the right of way and who have to wait. Here what matters is the size of the vehicles involved. Pedestrians and two and three-wheelers are always the affected party even if they broke the rule. Why don’t we stick to rules and enforce them strictly.
Abdul Hayy, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
Shaik Shakeel, India
89 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
pathan Aforaz, India
89 months ago
The authorities need to be much more vigilant and strict in regulating traffic and enforcing rules.
mahboob subhani, India
89 months ago
I support this petition
abdul Razak, India
89 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
Jakir Basha , India
89 months ago
I support due to lack of awareness of traffic rules, carelessness cause problems like traffic jams and accidents.
MD Khaja, India
89 months ago
Well, we all know how easy it is to get a driving license in India. Also punishment for errant drivers is light. A bribe is all that needs to be given and the rash drivers are free to go. Indians are known for their high degree of patience, but do we have to be patient where rash driving is concerned? No. Some drastic action needs to be taken.
Shaik Saleha, India
91 months ago
I support this petition
badruddin , India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Fawadalam , India
91 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
mohameed Ameer , India
91 months ago
Its a top urgent to take action on this petition as the accidents are on rise every year which is finishing precious lifes.
Khaja mohideen , Bangladesh
91 months ago
Its a top urgent to take action on this petition as the accidents are on rise every year which is finishing precious lifes.
Shaik kalid, India
91 months ago
i support this petition
jasmin sd, India
91 months ago
i support this petition because every thing is updated now! but Indian roads ----
Abi , Afghanistan
91 months ago
Enforcing the heavy vehicles to fix reflective tapes over them to be clearly visible during night time.
Zainab Yusuf Shaikh, India
91 months ago
Discipline is an opportunity to model respect, patience, and good problem solving. In the long run, you teach them to decide all by themselves to do the right thing.
Shaik Abubakr, India
91 months ago
Its a top urgent to take action on this petition as the accidents are on rise every year which is finishing precious lifes.
ayaz khan , India
91 months ago
i support this petition
parvinangel , India
91 months ago
The problem points to both the condition of our roads and of our drivers. All the drivers out there are certainly not experts. Driving while in a bad mood or when one is under stress or is suffering from illness is sure to lessen one’s concentration. People should opt for public transport in such cases. Breaking the rules seems to be the hobby of the present generation of drivers.
Shaik Basheer Babu, Iceland
91 months ago
Why not fix age 30 for driving licence for heavy vehicles and prescribe an age limit 65 for stopping all driving.
Shaik Riyaz., India
91 months ago
apply strictly rules and regulation helmet drinking etc.
shaik kalesha, India
91 months ago
follow basic rules
Shaik Afreen, India
91 months ago
i support
rafi , India
91 months ago
police personnel are themselves found to be violating traffic rules. The carelessness of drivers is also causing jump of traffic signals, not giving way to other drivers or pedestrians etc.
Pathan Hanif khan, India
91 months ago
In cases where the driver of the larger vehicle is not ready to plead guilty he has to prove that it was not because of his fault that the accident occurred. Since it is almost impossible to bring in such proof, the driver of the larger vehicle pleads guilty, pays a small fine and goes free. The injury to persons or damage to property are taken care of by insurance companies. This has become an almost established practice in our country.
yasin shaik, India
91 months ago
i support this petition
abdul Jabar, India
91 months ago
Children are children, no one can be sure about what they will do next at home or other crowded place especially road during traffic situation.
Dinesh Lakkoju, India
91 months ago
According to the statistics, it is found that there are most of the road accidents cases in which children are involved, so they are at high risk than other age group people. They need road safety knowledge and education from their early ages. It should be started from their home and schools by adding this subject to their syllabus. Some points are mentioned below proving the fact that why road safety is so important for kids and children:
Shaik Gayaz Basha, India
91 months ago
Road safety is must to be paid proper attention by each and every person on the earth, whether using vehicles or not. Children and students are the most vulnerable group towards the road accidents, minor or major injuries and even death because of the lack of adult supervision. There should not be late in making children well aware about the road safety rules and measures in their early ages. It should be the duty of parents and teachers to teach them properly under their nice supervision.
Darahas , India
91 months ago
Road safety is the safety of people from road side injuries and accidents. It involves various methods and measures which must be followed by the road users to prevent serious injury and accidents.
Janu , India
91 months ago
The drivers of 2-wheelers, autos, private taxis, lorries and govt vehicles driving in almost every Indian city and on highways are extreme danger for people on the roads. The traffic police never succeeded to create fear in the minds of drivers who violate the traffic rules. This is due to the reason the fines are imposed only once in a blue moon. Most of the 2 wheel drivers rarely use helmets which is very essential for safety.
Kalaesha , India
91 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
pathan jafar, India
91 months ago
Everyone should respect others while driving or walking on the road and take care of their safety.
Laljan basha, India
91 months ago
It is to secure people while traveling on the roads. It is to make safe all the road users such as pedestrians, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, multi-wheelers, and other transport vehicle users. Practicing road safety measures is very good and safe to all people all through the life.
Ansari , India
91 months ago
Road safety is the prevention and protection of road accidents by using all the road safety measures.
Mohidin , India
91 months ago
Pedestrians also know the rules of walking on the road like proper use of crosswalks, use of zebra crossing, etc.
fayaz , India
91 months ago
In such cases, traffic laws and rules helps us a lot to keep away from the road accidents and injury. Road safety measures are the tools can save from the expensive traffic fines, serious offences, removal of driving licenses
nayeem jani, India
91 months ago
Road safety is a safety measure to reduce the risk of road accidents and road side injury because of the mistakes of people while driving on the road. We cannot count the daily road side accidents and death of people because of the driving mistakes and lack of road traffic rules followers. Every person going on the road has risk of injury or death. Such as pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, passengers, etc.
Musthafa , Afghanistan
91 months ago
Road safety is a most common and important topic and has been added to various fields like education, social awareness, etc in to order to bring more awareness in the public especially new age group people. Students should be well recognized with this topic to fulfill following needs in their schools like making project, debates, attend quiz competition or essay writing competition. We have provided here some paragraph and essay on road safety under various words limit according to the student’s
Rakesh , India
91 months ago
Discipline is an opportunity to model respect, patience, and good problem solving. In the long run, you teach them to decide all by themselves to do the right thing.
P Anil , India
91 months ago
Strictly implement the traffic rules by Awareness and Fines
Raviteja Gera, India
91 months ago
especially physical punishment, children learn how the powerful make rules and the weaker must go along with it, or else. They might learn to avoid being honest about mistakes or to divert the blame on to others (“he did it, not me,” “it’s not my fault”). Because young children do not choose to mis-behave, they can feel like failures if punished over and over.
NageswaraRao , India
91 months ago
Discipline and punishment are different. Punishment is supposed to make a person choose not to repeat bad behaviour.
Rakesh Gera, India
91 months ago
Punishment teaches what is wrong, but does not help a child learn what is right. The
John , India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Divya Rudrapati, India
91 months ago
i support this petittion
Sartaj pathan, India
91 months ago
i support this
Aditya , India
91 months ago
Strict implementation of the traffic rules- The defaulters should be fined heavily for breaking the rules. There should be an enforcement of the use of seat belts in car and helmets on two wheelers.
Madan Mohan, India
91 months ago
i support
Sasikala , India
91 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
Srilakshmi , India
91 months ago
Traffic is a serious issue that we are facing daily in our life. Strict rules will help people save their time and life. I support this petition.
Chakri , India
91 months ago
I THINK Make licensing and driving tests stricter.
Khadar vali, India
91 months ago
Well, we all know how easy it is to get a driving license in India. Also punishment for errant drivers is light. A bribe is all that needs to be given and the rash drivers are free to go. Indians are known for their high degree of patience, but do we have to be patient where rash driving is concerned? No. Some drastic action needs to be taken.
Siri , India
91 months ago
police personnel are themselves found to be violating traffic rules. The carelessness of drivers is also causing jump of traffic signals, not giving way to other drivers or pedestrians etc.
Raviteja , India
91 months ago
Traffic is a serious issue that we are facing daily in our life. Strict rules will help people save their time and life. I support this petition.
Pavan Konjeti, India
91 months ago
i support this cause.,
Naga , India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Rajarathnam , India
91 months ago
take better action
Anitha Devi, India
91 months ago
this is major problem in india
HarichandraReddy , India
91 months ago
apply rules and regulation helmet drinkig etc.
Niranjan Kumar, India
91 months ago
i support
Shaik Jareena, India
91 months ago
i support this petition
abdul wahab, India
91 months ago
The authorities need to be much more vigilant and strict in regulating traffic and enforcing rules.
Suresh Maddineni, India
91 months ago
Traffic is a serious issue that we are facing daily in our life. Strict rules will help people save their time and life. I support this petition.
G Rohith , India
91 months ago
I support this cause as with out roles and regulations in place, the obedience by public is not possible. Good initiative, Venkat Pakkela.
vasu deva, India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Dharmendra Bavale, India
91 months ago
1. Issue a driving license only after passing the driving test (i.e. no corruption)
Krishna , India
91 months ago
i support this petition ,
Mahendra Kumar, India
91 months ago
The drivers on roads due to lack of awareness of traffic rules, carelessness cause problems like traffic jams and accidents. Some police personnel are themselves found to be violating traffic rules. The carelessness of drivers is also causing jump of traffic signals, not giving way to other drivers or pedestrians etc. It’s found now a days that people are so inhumane that they don’t give way to an Ambulance .
Alekhya , India
91 months ago
The traffic police never succeeded to create fear in the minds of drivers who violate the traffic rules. This is due to the reason the fines are imposed only once in a blue moon. Most of the 2 wheel drivers rarely use helmets which is very essential for safety.
Shaik Imam, India
91 months ago
Road Accidents in India caused mostly by human error
masum shaik, India
91 months ago
make big roads
Jameel Basha, India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Amrutha , India
91 months ago
change technology like USA
Paddu , India
91 months ago
Strict implementation of the traffic rules- The defaulters should be fined heavily for breaking the rules. There should be an enforcement of the use of seat belts in car and helmets on two wheelers.
Lavanya k , India
91 months ago
Its a top urgent to take action on this petition as the accidents are on rise every year which is finishing precious lifes.
Avinash , India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Neelima , India
91 months ago
I THINK Make licensing and driving tests stricter.
venkat suray, India
91 months ago
he traffic police never succeeded to create fear in the minds of drivers who violate the traffic rules. This is due to the reason the fines are imposed only once in a blue moon.
Mahendra Kumar, India
91 months ago
yes its right government take actiton.
Sivaji , India
91 months ago
i support you !
Suhana shaik, India
91 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
Shaik Riyaz, India
91 months ago
Strictly implement the traffic rules by Awareness and Fines
K Lakshmi , India
91 months ago
The authorities need to be much more vigilant and strict in regulating traffic and enforcing rules.
Jilani , India
91 months ago
The cumbersome procedure of witness examination as laid down in the Evidence Act as well as in the Code of Criminal Procedure must be dispensed with as witnesses may advance the plea of alibi and turn hostile consequently.
dinesh , India
91 months ago
i support this petition
Prema , India
91 months ago
Section 304A should be amended to raise the punishment to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1 lakh.
subha , India
91 months ago
The loss of human lives in accidents in the State has led to a blame game. The pedestrian blames the two-wheel rider, a two-wheeler rider a four-wheeler, a four-wheeler driver blames heavy vehicles, tippers, trucks, trailors and container carriages. Thereafter,
Wasim rony , India
91 months ago
Pedestrians can be seen crossing a busy road nonchalantly. Reckless driving at high speed even on narrow roads is a common site. The government’s handling of road repair works seems to be inadequate and unscientific. Let us hope that there will be a sea change in our approach to the problem.
Johany , India
91 months ago
An accident is, of course, an unexpected event. One of the essential ingredients of crime, that is, intention, is absent in the case of an accident. However, in cases where a road accident involves two vehicles, the larger vehicle is assumed to be in the wrong.
Aparna , India
91 months ago
yes i agree
Deepak , India
91 months ago
In cases where the driver of the larger vehicle is not ready to plead guilty he has to prove that it was not because of his fault that the accident occurred. Since it is almost impossible to bring in such proof, the driver of the larger vehicle pleads guilty, pays a small fine and goes free. The injury to persons or damage to property are taken care of by insurance companies. This has become an almost established practice in our country.
N Sunitha , India
91 months ago
However, the most important and long-term solution is educating the drivers and sensitising them on the consequences of negligence.
zihah , India
91 months ago
The breadth of roads has remained the same while the number of vehicles on roads has increased manifold. Reducing the traffic density by having specific plans, designed with a long-term perspective is the need of the hour. In Kerala, even a city like Kochi does not have new flyovers or subways, while in other parts of the country there has been an explosion in terms of infrastructure facilities. Given the constraints faced in the State, particularly with regard to land acquisition,
mani max , India
91 months ago
We have to achieve the target of collecting Rs 18 lakh every month. Though we always fall short, we manage to collect nearly Rs 12 lakh every month. Since the maximum amount of challan—Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000 — is imposed upon the trucks, we are more focused on heavy vehicles. A fine of Rs 1,000 is imposed for per tonne overloading and usually trucks are found overloaded by almost 10 tonnes. So, we impose a penalty of at least Rs 15,000 per truck for overloading and other violations.
tanju sultana , India
91 months ago
i suppoort
shravani , India
91 months ago
Better discipline, awareness needed on roads
S sowjanya , India
91 months ago
Its required for safe driving
91 months ago
Road infrastructure-The automobile population in India has grown up to 170 times in the past 50 years but the country’s road has grown only about 9 times. So there is a dire need to improve the quality of the roads in India. Flyovers, grade separators, service roads, sign boards, pavements, monitored crossings near schools and other safety features have to be the primary focus while designing new road infrastructure.
Bilal khan, India
92 months ago
Mandatory annual fitness checks of the school buses as well as drivers.
vishnu , India
92 months ago
Emergency medical services such as crash rescue vehicles, paramedics, free trauma care etc. to be fully functional and in place for prompt relief and care of the accident victims.
kumar , India
92 months ago
Imprisonment and heavy penalty for drunken driving.
krishna , India
92 months ago
Signboards at every junction indicate who has the right of way and who have to wait. Here what matters is the size of the vehicles involved. Pedestrians and two and three-wheelers are always the affected party even if they broke the rule. Why don’t we stick to rules and enforce them strictly?
Satyam , Afghanistan
92 months ago
Having travelled to and lived in several countries, what I find most disturbing in our traffic rules and enforcement is the total absence of clearly defined rules and their enforcement. Crowds and drivers interpret and implement the rules at their own will. A vehicle driver and a pedestrian have equal rights to roads and we need the laws clearly defined and enforced here. For example, there are always “right of way” rules clearly defined in all countries and whenever an accident happens, the cul
Shrihari , India
92 months ago
Enforcing the heavy vehicles to fix reflective tapes over them to be clearly visible during night time.
lucky , India
92 months ago
I THINK Make licensing and driving tests stricter.
rishi , India
92 months ago
Strict implementation of the traffic rules- The defaulters should be fined heavily for breaking the rules. There should be an enforcement of the use of seat belts in car and helmets on two wheelers.
Aizaz , India
92 months ago
otal annual economic loss to the country due to road accidents is more than Rs.3,00,000 crore therefore road accidents are a huge burden on the national economy.
Tiwari , India
92 months ago
Loss of life and more than Loss of earnings for the family affected.
Sanjeev , India
92 months ago
there has been an immense increase in the traffic on the roads over a period of time. While on the one hand it has made things convenient for us but on the other hand it also increases our concerns of road safety.
Vishnaram , India
92 months ago
Strict enforcement of traffic rules is needed. How often do we see people riding with mobile phones glued to their ears? Or vehicles parked right under no parking boards? What about the reckless overtaking by private buses which race against each other? Schoolchildren should be alerted on the dangers of playing on the road and instructed to move only along footpaths.
Vinod , India
92 months ago
The problem points to both the condition of our roads and of our drivers. All the drivers out there are certainly not experts. Driving while in a bad mood or when one is under stress or is suffering from illness is sure to lessen one’s concentration. People should opt for public transport in such cases. Breaking the rules seems to be the hobby of the present generation of drivers.
arun , India
92 months ago
Why not fix age 30 for driving licence for heavy vehicles and prescribe an age limit 65 for stopping all driving.
dilip , India
92 months ago
It is not like that as petty traffic violations, amounting to a fine of Rs 200 to Rs 1,000 are checked by the traffic police. The transport department issues heavy challans, ranging between Rs 2,000-Rs 20,000 or more. We kill two birds with one stone by collecting money and teaching how not to drive rashly.
masood , India
92 months ago
i support this petition
Saikumar , India
92 months ago
We have to achieve the target of collecting Rs 18 lakh every month. Though we always fall short, we manage to collect nearly Rs 12 lakh every month. Since the maximum amount of challan—Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000 — is imposed upon the trucks, we are more focused on heavy vehicles. A fine of Rs 1,000 is imposed for per tonne overloading and usually trucks are found overloaded by almost 10 tonnes. So, we impose a penalty of at least Rs 15,000 per truck for overloading and other violations.
Dharmender , India
92 months ago
The authorities need to be much more vigilant and strict in regulating traffic and enforcing rules.
vikas , India
92 months ago
i support
kartik kumar, India
92 months ago
Better discipline, awareness needed on roads
Shashikant , India
92 months ago
Strictly implement the traffic rules by Awareness and Fines
Arya , India
92 months ago
A lot of people lostt they life
intizar , India
92 months ago
Its a top urgent to take action on this petition as the accidents are on rise every year which is finishing precious lifes.
rafiq rabbani, India
92 months ago
yes i support
mahaboob subhani, India
92 months ago
isupport this petition
Suraj , Afghanistan
92 months ago
there is a complete lack of awareness among drivers of rules and disciplines driving on the e-way.
Sirisha , India
92 months ago
I agree this point
chaitnyaprathi , India
92 months ago
The biggest issue I see is with the RTOs process of issuing driving licences. It has become too easy to obtain a licence. If the rules of issuing driving licence were strictly followed, half of the drivers on the roads would have never got licences.
Lavanya , India
92 months ago
There are various aspects to issues pertaining to road safety and increasing accidents on Indian roads
Nagaraju Vemu, India
92 months ago
I support A very important step towards improving road safety is putting responsible drivers on the roads.
Ishaq ahamed, India
92 months ago
Traffic is a serious issue that we are facing daily in our life. Strict rules will help people save their time and life. I support this petition.
nazir ali, India
92 months ago
Well, we all know how easy it is to get a driving license in India. Also punishment for errant drivers is light. A bribe is all that needs to be given and the rash drivers are free to go. Indians are known for their high degree of patience, but do we have to be patient where rash driving is concerned? No. Some drastic action needs to be taken.
Prabhakar , Afghanistan
92 months ago
Make separate lanes for heavy vehicles.
Shaik Asha parvina, Afghanistan
92 months ago
yes its right government take actiton
Ali , Iceland
92 months ago
Incidentally, India holds the dubious distinction of registering the highest number of road accidents in the world. According to the experts at the National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NTPRC) the number of road accidents in India is three times higher than that prevailing in developed countries. The number of accidents for 1000 vehicles in India is as high as 35 while the figure ranges from 4 to 10 in developed countries.
Uma Maheshwari , India
92 months ago
Road Accidents in India caused mostly by human error
sunil kumar, India
92 months ago
The Global status report on road safety 2013 estimates that more than 231 000 people are killed in road traffic crashes in India every year. Approximately half of all deaths on the countrys roads are among vulnerable road users - motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists.
Shaik jaffar basha, India
92 months ago
Over the last 30 years, Suraj Prakash Vaid, a Delhi-based tours and taxi operator, has transported over 70 road accident victims to hospital. For his good deeds, he has had to face court hearings on more than one occasion since he was made a witness in several of the cases.
shaik peera, India
92 months ago
i support this petition
pathan rasool khan, India
92 months ago
I support this cause as with out roles and regulations in place, the obedience by public is not possible. Good initiative, Venkat Pakkela.
Mansur Baban, United States
92 months ago
Teach traffic rules, road discipline and ethics in our schools. How to behave in public is not at all taught anywhere and the young generation is unaware of it. Giving proper training in discipline and ethics to all and enforcing the rules strictly are the only way to reduce accidents.
abdul khadar, Greece
92 months ago